The State Government

Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann heads the State Government of Baden-Württemberg. Besides the Minister-President, the Government comprises eleven Ministers. Alongside the State Ministry which represents the authority of the Minister-President, there are eleven ministries in which the various threads of state politics converge.

Die Mitglieder der Landesregierung vor dem Neuen Schloss in Stuttgart
Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann sitzt in der Bibliothek der Villa Reitzenstein in Stuttgart.
Head of Government

Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann

Winfried Kretschmann is the ninth Minister President of Baden-Württemberg. He was re-elected as the new Head of Government by the State Parliament on May 12, 2021. Kretschmann heads a coalition made up of two parliamentary parties: The Green Party and the CDU.

Erste Kabinettssitzung der neuen Landesregierung im Neuen Schloss in Stuttgart, vorne Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann (l.) und sein Stellvertreter, Innenminister Thomas Strobl (r.)
A strong team

The State Government

The parliamentary elections of March 14th, 2021 resulted in a coalition Government made up of the Green Party and the CDU. The State Government led by Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann takes up office on May 12, 2021.

Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann bei seiner Antrittsrede als Bundesratspräsident im Bundesrat am 2. November 2012.

Baden-Württemberg in the Federation

Germany is a Federation. State functions are divided between the Federation and its 16 federal states. Through the organ of the Bundesrat (Federal Council), the states play a role in national legislation and administration, and also in the affairs of the European Union.

Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann (l.) im Gespräch mit dem kanadischen Premierminister Justin Trudeau (r.) in Ottawa (Bild: Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg)
Europe&International affairs

Baden-Württemberg - Global Player

Baden-Württemberg is situated at the very heart of Europe. The State Government is committed to a democratically participative Europe in which Baden-Württemberg has a powerful voice. The State has also cultivated close ties to its neighbours and partners around the world which have evolved over many decades.